Incoming AP @ KSU
Email: Sahidul[.]islam[@]utsa[.]edu


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I am an incoming Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Kennessaw State Unviersity. I have completed my Ph.D. from the Department of Computer Science at UTSA, advised by Dr. Mimi Xie . I obtained my B.S. degree in Computer Science & Engineering from KUET, Bangladesh. Prior joining to Ph.D. program, I worked in several computer software industry as a skilled full-stack software engineer. I have experience working in both front and back-end with diverse programming languages such as TSQL (Database); c#, Python (server); Javscript, AngularJs (client);
My current research interests lie in the broad areas of On-device Machine Learning (TinyML) and Privacy-preserving Machine Learning . Our research has been appeared at prestigious top tier venues such as ICCAD, DATE, TCAD. Our team (HuskyCS Deepical) also won first place in accuracy and fourth place overall at the 2022 ACM/IEEE TinyML Design Contest at ICCAD, among 150 teams from 10+countries.
I am looking for motivated students to join in my lab.

Recent News

June, 2024
One collaborative paper is accepted by TCAD.
May, 2024
One collaborative paper is accepted by ISVLSI, 2024.
May, 2024
I have accepted a tenure track assistant professor position in the computer science department at Kennesaw State University (KSU).
April, 2024
Successfully defended PhD dissertation defense.
March, 2024
One collaborative paper is accepted by GLSVLSI, 2024.
January, 2024
One paper is accepted by ISQED, 2024.
February, 2023
One collaborative paper is accepted by ISQED, 2023.
January, 2023
Successfully defended dissertation proposal and became a PhD Candidate.
October, 2022
Our collaborative team HuskyCSDeepical is the Top-4 Team in the ACM/IEEE TinyML Contest at ICCAD 2022 among 150 teams around the world! Big Congratulations to the Team!
October, 2022
Attended and presented our paper at ICCAD 2022.
September, 2022
Received the Graduate School Professional Development Award.
August, 2022
Received ICCAD 2022 Student Travel Grant Award.
July, 2022
One paper is accepted by ICCAD 2022 (CS ranking).
June, 2022
Selected for DAC Young Student Fellow Award.
April, 2022
Our research is invited for WIP poster presentation in DAC 2022.
March, 2022
Attended and presented our paper at DATE 2022
January, 2022
One collaborative paper is accepted by ISQED 2022.
December, 2021
Received the Graduate School Professional Development Award.
November, 2021
One paper is accepted by DATE 2022.
August, 2021
Two collaborative papers are accepted by the ASAP 2021.
July, 2021
Received Richard A. Newton Young Student Fellow Award.
August, 2020
Started working as a Graduate Reseaerch Assistant at ASIC LAB.
December, 2019
Successfully Passed Phd qualifying exam at UTSA Computer Science.
August, 2019
Joined Department of Computer Science at UTSA.